Florida Historical Documents




The Jacksonville, St. Augustine and Halifax River R’Y Co. Payroll Record for the named employees and their duties, “time, rate, amount, transportation department” Signed by W.L. Crawford, Superintendent.

March 20, 1871 Hernando County Zacharial Seward elected sheriff pledging 4 years of service with this $2000 Bond

March 20, 1871 Hernando County, Zacharial Seward elected sheriff pledging 4 years of service with this $2000 Bond.


Monday, December 3, 1855, Waybill for the Palatka to Ocala passenger list “where from” and “where to” and by whom received, W.S. Heart.


1824 Land Grant or Deed, Monroe County


Deed no. 1724 Orange County State of Florida, Sale of 639.6 acres of land in Monroe County FL for $1.25 per acre. Sold by the Board of Education of Florida.

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1863-1864 Employee Income Tax Statement for W.S. Hart under “An Act to Lay Taxes For The Common Defense and Carry on the Government of the Confederate States”.


File date of January 21, 1853 for the mortgage of John Smith issued during Florida as a Territory and relinquished by the Union Bank of Florida Stateon January 19, 1853. Signed by Robert Gamble, President of Union Bank.


100 Pound Loan Bond issued by Gregor Macgregor, Sovereign Prince of The Government of Poyais dated September 15, 1823.


Photo of the Members of The Secession Convention of Florida, dated January 10, 1861.


West Florida 1772 Land Survey Request to Elias Dwinford Esq. Surveyor General from and signed by “His Excellency Peter Chester Esquire Captain General Governor and Commander in Chief in and over his Majesty’s said Province…”


Province of East Florida 1819 Thomas Lamb letter authorizing his son, Arthur Lamb, “To Trade With Any Person He May Chose”.


Land Grant Certificate Number 842, the sale of 159 acres in Tallahassee to Richard Parish dates May 15, 1827 Signed by J.Q. Adams, President.


Appointment letter for a Justice of the Peace, one D.G. Raney by Secretary and acting Governor of the Territory of Florida, James D. Westcott, jr. dated February 15, 1832.


Appointment letter by acting Governor of the territory of Florida William M.M. Carty of Celestina Gonzales to the position of Major of the First Regiment of the Militia of the Territory of Florida to rank as such from the 20th day of January 1828.


Appointment letter by Governor William P. Duval of Stephen Paramore Esq. as an appraise of the Union Bank of Florida in and for the County of Gadsden in the Territory of Florida.

