Dutton Island


The town of Dutton was created after the Civil War, along the Florida Railroad. It was developed by the timber firm Dutton and Rixford. Rixford also had resin and turpentine stills as well as a sawmill. During 1875 Dutton was granted a postoffice. As the forests began to disappear, so did the town of Dutton and in 1884 Dutton and Rixford sold out and left town. The post office was closed in 1895. After three years the people that were left managed to convince the Postmaster General to reopen the post office. The postmaster renamed the town Verdie after his daughter. Again in March 1912, the post office was abandoned and the town withered away.

Source: Wikipedia

Charles K. Dutton (engraved date of January 1875, M & KEM & LC, N.Y.)

012 (2)

013 (2) 1875 $1 Note C.K. Dutton Naval Stores
(Only $1 Note Known VF)

012 (3)

013 (3)1875 $2 Note C.K. Dutton Naval Stores
(Finest of 2 known)

